Prepare your Birth and Age Affidavit Here.

An affidavit of Birth can be used to verify your birth information if your birth record has been lost or found to be inconsistent. Whenever the need to present your Birth Certificate e.g. applying for a school, visa or travel passport and you are unable to obtain an acceptable birth certificate, you may submit a Sworn Affidavit of Birth as a legal substitute for Birth Certificate.

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Send in your request for Affidavit if you cannot find it on our list. Just describe  the situation and we will get the job done.

Age Declaration Affidavit

Age Declaration Affidavit is used to validate the Date of Birth of an individual who cannot present official Certificate of Birth.

Correction of Date of Birth Affidavit

If there be any error in writing a person’s Date of Birth in any documentation, a Correction of Date of Birth Affidavit can be used to correct such error officially and legally.

Attestation of Birth Letter (NPC)

If you were born in Nigeria before 1992, you probably do not have a valid Birth Certificate until you process a Birth Attestation Letter from the National Population Commission (NPC).